Wednesday, January 23, 2008

2008 Peace First Precinct Caucus Resolution

PEACE FIRST! Secure-Cut-Convert Resolution

Be it resolved that:
The United States government (1) SECURE funding for bringing
U.S. troops home from Iraq and for necessary national defense,
(2) CUT all further funding for the military occupation of Iraq and
for unnecessary weapons systems, and (3) CONVERT that funding
to Iraqi reconstruction, $10 billion annual increase in funding
for renewable energy and "green collar" jobs in the next 5 years,
Medicare for everyone, access to education from early childhood
through university, and voting access with 100% verified paper

[ You may cut out the text and tape it to your political party’s
resolution form. The subject area is national security (in the
broadest sense). ]

Bring this to your party of choice's caucus.
If for example you are DFL, then Jack Nelson Pallmeyer is the only one who supports this.

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